Contact us

If you're interested in partnering with us to improve outcomes, or offering Pomelo as a benefit to your employees or members, we'd love to hear from you.

For candidates interested in joining our team to reinvent maternity and neonatal care, please apply directly to the open roles listed on our Careers page.

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Pregnancy and newborn care, anytime and anywhere

As a Fidelis Care or Ambetter from Fidelis Care member, access to 24/7 pregnancy and infant care is available at $0 cost to you.

Get Started

How it Works


Register to sign up

Fill out a 1-minute form to confirm your eligibility.


Meet your care team

Schedule your first appointment and download Pomelo’s app to start messaging with your care team right away. Our doctors, nurses, and specialists aren’t here to replace your in-person OB-GYN or midwife. We’re here to support you anytime between visits, at no cost to you.


Get 24/7 care and support

Our care team takes the time to listen to you. We’re here for you and your baby day or night. Message your care team anytime or meet by phone or video.

Our approach

Support for you and your baby

We're here to answer any question, like "How do I control my diabetes during pregnancy?" or "ls my baby eating enough?” There’s no question too big or small.

A care team you can count on

Our doctors, nurses, and other specialists take the time to listen to you and support your goals.

Care anytime and anywhere

We're a doctor's office available 24/7 through your phone. Text, call, or video chat with your team day or night. No more waiting rooms!

Some of the many ways Pomelo supports families

24/7 availability to answer questions via text, phone, or video

One-on-one nutrition counseling

Primary care & women’s health

Help with breastfeeding & bottle feeding

Personalized educational content

Doula & labor support

Group care with other new or expecting parents

Treatment for postpartum depression or anxiety

Pediatric care until baby’s first birthday

Help finding in-person providers

Support navigating insurance

Support during and after NICU stays

Patient testimonials

"I’m not exaggerating when I say the Pomelo Care team got me through the hardest times of pregnancy, feeding my newborn, and postpartum in general. They educated me about what questions to ask my OB. And helped me push back when something didn’t feel right, from questioning my iron levels during pregnancy to making an informed decision about an early induction."
“There is not enough support for moms in the U.S., and Pomelo is helping fix that. I wish every new mom, or even second- or third-time mom, would have a group like this supporting them 24 hours a day.”


Who is eligible?

Fidelis Care members who have one of the below coverage plan types, are pregnant or postpartum (up to 3 months) and live in one of the following counties are eligible for Pomelo Care:

Plan Types: Ambetter from Fidelis Care, Medicaid Managed Care, Health and Recovery Plan (HARP), Child Health Plus, Essential Plan Program - Aliessa, QHP (Qualified Health Plan), Health Benefit Exchange 

Counties: Suffolk, Bronx, Erie, Niagara, Chautauqua, Westchester, Lewis, Seneca, Warren, Greene, Putnam, Steuben

What if I already have an OB-GYN or midwife?

Pomelo won’t replace your in-person provider and supports your family between visits. Your Pomelo care team will work with your OB or midwife to ensure they are updated on the care you’re receiving from Pomelo. If you don't have an in-person OB or midwife already, Pomelo can help you find one that meets your needs.

How much will it cost?

Fidelis Care or Ambetter from Fidels Care members receive this program through their health insurance, so there is no out of pocket cost.

Is this program available in Spanish?

Yes, the Pomelo Care team includes a number of bilingual English/Spanish speakers. We are also able to support a number of other languages through a translation service. Contact us and let us know your language preferences.

Approval ID: SHP_202310080H

Notify me when Pomelo is available

Fill out this brief form to receive personal notifications when Pomelo becomes available.

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Multispeciality care teams

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.

Planning & Fertility


Primary Care

Nurse midwife


Mental health specialist

Nurse care partner


NICU Care & Support

Lactation Consultant


Pediatrician Neonatologist

Postpartum & First Year

Pediatrician Neonatologist

Group Care


Dedicated, multi-specialty care teams
24/7 accessibility via text, phone or video
1:1 appointments and virtual group care
Insurance navigation & care coordination
Digital app & curated educational content
Coordination with in-person providers
End-to-end support
Our Approach

Multispeciality care teams

On-demand 24/7 telehealth as an extension of your practice

24/7 evidence-based virtual care

  • Nurse triage
  • Primary & preventive care
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Remote monitoring
  • Virtual group care
  • Frequent postpartum check-ins
  • Pediatric care for 1 year

Care coordination & support

  • Care navigation
  • Insurance
  • Social service navigation

Benefits to your practice

No cost to practice or patients with eligible insurance

Safe staff time (e.g., fewer portal messages) with Pomelo’s 24/7 advice and triage line

Reserve in-person visits for more complex obstetric needs

Provide patients with accessible primary care and specialty care

Better support patients with higher clinical, behavioral, or social needs

Easy EHR-based referrals and documentation to ensure coordinated care (no IT resource needed!)

Meet a few members of our care team

Isabelle Von Kohorn
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
Amy MacDonald
  • Certified Nurse Midwife
  • Founded and led Duke Midwifery Service with specialization in high-risk pregnancy
Jaclyn Satchel
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  • Previously served as a therapist and supervisor for Spring Health, Wheel and independent practice
Kyra Hood
  • Registered Dietician & Lactation Counselor
  • Previously worked for Tennessee WIC as Mobile Program Coordinator and Clinical Liaison
Elizabeth Kester
  • Registered Nurse
  • Former director of nursing, labor & delivery at Beth Israel Deaconess
Annelie Roding
  • Physician Assistant
  • Previously provided in-person and virtual primary care at Eden Health
Robyn Naroian
  • Registered Nurse
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD

Meet our care team

Isabelle Von Kohorn
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Amy MacDonald
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Jaclyn Satchel
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Kyra Hood
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Annelie Roding
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Elizabeth Kester
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Robyn Naroian
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
All clinical services are provided by licensed physicians and clinicians practicing within an independently owned and operated medical practice, Pomelo, P.C. or affiliated professional corporations. Pomelo Care, Inc. does not provide any medical, nursing, or other healthcare provider services.

Contact us

If you're interested in partnering with us to improve outcomes, or offering Pomelo as a benefit to your employees or members, we'd love to hear from you.

For candidates interested in joining our team to reinvent maternity and neonatal care, please apply directly to the open roles listed on our Careers page.

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Atención para la embarazada y su bebé, en cualquier momento y lugar

Como miembro de Fidelis Care o Ambetter from Fidelis Care, tiene acceso sin costo a atención para la embarazada y su bebé las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.


Cómo funciona



Complete un formulario (le llevará solo un minuto) para confirmar que reúne los requisitos.


Conozca a su equipo de atención.

Programe su primera cita y descargue la aplicación de Pomelo para empezar a comunicarse de inmediato con su equipo de atención. Nuestros médicos, enfermeras y especialistas no reemplazan a su obstetra - ginecólogo o partera de atención presencial. Están disponibles para asistirla sin costo en cualquier momento entre citas.


Reciba atención y apoyo las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.

Nuestro equipo de atención se toma el tiempo para escucharla. Estamos para usted y su bebé, tanto de día como de noche. Puede comunicarse con su equipo de atención en cualquier momento por mensaje de texto, o bien por llamada telefónica o videollamada.

Nuestro enfoque

Apoyo para usted y su bebé

Estamos para responder preguntas como: “¿De qué manera puedo controlar la diabetes durante el embarazo?” o “¿Mi bebé está comiendo lo suficiente?”. Todas las preguntas son importantes.

Un equipo de atención con el que puede contar

Nuestros médicos, enfermeras y otros especialistas se toman el tiempo para escucharla y apoyar sus objetivos.

Atención en cualquier momento y lugar

Nos encuentra en un consultorio médico disponibles por teléfono las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Puede comunicarse por mensaje de texto, llamada telefónica o videollamada con su equipo de atención, tanto de día como de noche. ¡No más salas de espera!

Algunas de las tantas formas en que Pomelo puede brindarle apoyo

Disponibilidad las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana por mensaje de texto, llamada telefónica o videollamada

Asesoramiento personalizado sobre nutrición

Servicios de cuidado primario y salud de la mujer

Ayuda con la lactancia y la alimentación infantil

Contenido educativo personalizado

Servicios de doula y apoyo con el parto

Atención grupal con otras mujeres embarazadas o madres por primera vez

Tratamiento de la depresión o la ansiedad posparto

Servicios de pediatría hasta el primer cumpleaños del bebé

Ayuda para encontrar proveedores de salud que brindan atención presencial

Apoyo con el uso del seguro (aseguranza)

Apoyo durante y después de estadías en la unidad neonatal de cuidados intensivos

Testimonios de pacientes

No exagero cuando digo que el equipo de Pomelo Care me ayudó a superar los momentos más difíciles del embarazo, a alimentar a mi bebé y con el período de posparto en general. Me guiaron con las preguntas que debía hacerle a mi obstetra. También me ayudaron a prever situaciones cuando algo no estaba bien, desde cuestionar mis niveles de hierro durante el embarazo hasta tomar una decisión informada sobre un parto inducido”.
“En Estados Unidos no hay suficiente apoyo para las mamás, y Pomelo está ayudando a solucionarlo. Desearía que todas las mamás por primera vez, o incluso las mamás por segunda o tercera vez, tuvieran un grupo como este que las apoya las 24 horas del día”.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Quién reúne los requisitos?

Usted reúne los requisitos para este programa si es miembro de Superior HealthPlan y está embarazada o acaba de tener un bebé.

¿Qué pasa si ya tengo un ginecólogo - obstetra o una partera?

Pomelo no reemplaza a su proveedor de atención presencial, sino que le asiste a su familia entre citas. El equipo de atención de Pomelo trabajará con su obstetra o partera para garantizar que estén al día sobre la atención que recibe de Pomelo. Si aún no tiene un obstetra o una partera que le brinde atención presencial, Pomelo puede ayudarla a encontrar un proveedor que satisfaga sus necesidades.

¿Cuánto cuesta?

Si es miembro de Superior HealthPlan, recibirá este programa de manera gratuita a través de su seguro médico (aseguranza).

¿Este programa está disponible en español?

Sí, el equipo de Pomelo Care dispone de personas bilingües en inglés y español. También ofrecemos asistencia en una variedad de otros idiomas a través del servicio de traducción. La invitamos a contactarnos e indicarnos qué idioma prefiere.

Approval ID: SHP_202310080H

Notify me when Pomelo is available

Fill out this brief form to receive personal notifications when Pomelo becomes available.

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Multispeciality care teams

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.

Planning & Fertility


Primary Care

Nurse midwife


Mental health specialist

Nurse care partner


NICU Care & Support

Lactation Consultant


Pediatrician Neonatologist

Postpartum & First Year

Pediatrician Neonatologist

Group Care


Dedicated, multi-specialty care teams
24/7 accessibility via text, phone or video
1:1 appointments and virtual group care
Insurance navigation & care coordination
Digital app & curated educational content
Coordination with in-person providers
End-to-end support
Our Approach

Multispeciality care teams

On-demand 24/7 telehealth as an extension of your practice

24/7 evidence-based virtual care

  • Nurse triage
  • Primary & preventive care
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Remote monitoring
  • Virtual group care
  • Frequent postpartum check-ins
  • Pediatric care for 1 year

Care coordination & support

  • Care navigation
  • Insurance
  • Social service navigation

Benefits to your practice

No cost to practice or patients with eligible insurance

Safe staff time (e.g., fewer portal messages) with Pomelo’s 24/7 advice and triage line

Reserve in-person visits for more complex obstetric needs

Provide patients with accessible primary care and specialty care

Better support patients with higher clinical, behavioral, or social needs

Easy EHR-based referrals and documentation to ensure coordinated care (no IT resource needed!)

Meet a few members of our care team

Isabelle Von Kohorn
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
Amy MacDonald
  • Certified Nurse Midwife
  • Founded and led Duke Midwifery Service with specialization in high-risk pregnancy
Jaclyn Satchel
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  • Previously served as a therapist and supervisor for Spring Health, Wheel and independent practice
Kyra Hood
  • Registered Dietician & Lactation Counselor
  • Previously worked for Tennessee WIC as Mobile Program Coordinator and Clinical Liaison
Elizabeth Kester
  • Registered Nurse
  • Former director of nursing, labor & delivery at Beth Israel Deaconess
Annelie Roding
  • Physician Assistant
  • Previously provided in-person and virtual primary care at Eden Health
Robyn Naroian
  • Registered Nurse
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD

Meet our care team

Isabelle Von Kohorn
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Amy MacDonald
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Jaclyn Satchel
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Kyra Hood
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Annelie Roding
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Elizabeth Kester
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
Robyn Naroian
  • Neonatologist & Pediatrician
  • Former Chief of Neonatology at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD
  • Track record of keeping patients & newborns together by reducing low-acuity admissions to the NICU
All clinical services are provided by licensed physicians and clinicians practicing within an independently owned and operated medical practice, Pomelo, P.C. or affiliated professional corporations. Pomelo Care, Inc. does not provide any medical, nursing, or other healthcare provider services.